SHOWTIME: Saturday July 23rd at 10:45 PM

SYNOPSIS: A group of eight college-age kids drives into the countryside for a day of fun and a night of what promises to be erotic frolics as their minivan drives deeper into the mountains. Two guys sitting in the back, Kento and Keisaku — are quieter, as are the weak-seeming Mutsuo and his sister Makoto. Their van gets a flat tire and, when they search online for help, they realize their phones can’t pick up a signal. Crossing a rickety bridge over a deep ravine they see a sign for the village of Tatsukiri — and a creepy scarecrow with a knife in its head. Soon after, they encounter a leathery old man on a horse, who introduces himself as Shinjiro and invites them to his house. There they find a lavish meal already prepared and futons laid out. When Shinjiro, who seems to be a local grandee, invites the group to stay the night, they accept, though something about the setup disturbs them, even the hard-partying quartet. What happened to the previous guests whose jackets are still hanging on the coat rack? Why did Shinjiro and his staff — three strangely robotic women — seem to have anticipated their arrival?

DIRECTOR: Sakamoto Yugo | LANGUAGE: Japanese | SUBTITLES: English

YEAR: 2021 | RUNNING TIME: 66 minutes | COLOR

COUNTRY: Japan | GENRE: Horror/Drama
